Build web apps faster, without code

Boomla has been over a decade in the making to optimize for simplicity, speed and scalability while giving you full design and development freedom.

Full stack platform

Create a project. Make changes. Publish.
Boomla takes care of everything else including hosting.

Full development freedom

You have full control of the HTML structure of pages. Serve web pages, images, pdf documents, fonts, or anything. Stream video. Send emails. Accept payments. Integrate AI.

Full design freedom

Boomla comes with a visual designer that gives you complete design freedom.

Compose objects

Boomla has a radically simple solution to organizing your "codebase": placing objects in other objects. This object-oriented composition model is well understood in other areas of programming yet never used before in organizing your "codebase". Try it and you will never look back.

Faster load times

If your web app is slow, it is almost guaranteed to be due to database latency. Boomla has zero latency data access due to a built-in database.

Better scalability

The database tends to be the bottleneck limiting scalability, as every request is competing to access the same database, similar to cars using the same roads in a city. In Boomla, every request works with its own snapshot of the database, which is like driving the only car in a city. There are no traffic jams.

SEO friendly

Boomla has deep support for technical SEO, including server-side rendering, friendly URLs and complete control over your HTML code.

Nocode first

Nocode allows you to move faster even if you know how to code, so one would use it whenever possible. For tasks that are better fit for code, one can switch to using code instead. This way, you can mix-and-match the two, utilizing the benefit of both.